• About Us

    Od początku działalności, Renox jest przedsiębiorstwem rodzinnym. Z ojca na syna przekazujemy zdobyte doświadczenie, zasady i wartości, dzięki którym jesteśmy godnym zaufania partnerem, gotowym rzetelnie wykonać każde zlecenie. Jesteśmy dumni, że pomimo ogromnych zmian w polskiej gospodarce na przestrzeni lat, cechuje nas stabilność i gwarancja jakości..
    Posiadamy wyłącznie polski kapitał, a każda inwestycja finansowana jest z własnych środków. Jesteśmy przekonani, że takie podejście wpływa pozytywnie na nasz rozwój oraz rozwój polskiej gospodarki. Dobrze życzymy konkurentom zdając sobie sprawę, że z punktu widzenia ekonomicznego, wszyscy stanowimy część większej całości.

  • Business Overview

    We produce precision made, high quality products from metal. For more than fifty years, we have developed a range of items which we use in our daily lives through perseverance, determination and enthusiasm.

    Our products are popular not only at home but also in many European markets. We deliver metal components to long-term partners in Germany, Denmark, Lithuania, Ukraine and Russia.

  • Our vision is to

    • Create top quality, precision made products offering our customers peace of mind and strengthening our position as a reliable and solid business partner.
    • Continue to re-enforce and expand our brand, which has been developed by four generations of industry leaders. Founded on timeless principles we pride ourselves on loyalty, commitment, honesty and reliability.
    • Expand and consolidate our partnerships by offering an enhanced customer service. Our in-house team of professionals works hard to consolidate and develop both direct customer relationships and business to business partnerships.
  • Values and Principles

    Family Values

    As a family business the core values and principles have been passed from father to son over fifty years, Renox has won considerable recognition and trust of many generations of Customers. We are proud that timeless values and principles have laid a firm foundation for our brand. We strive to build our present and future successes on these sound foundations. Good family relationships translate into a friendly environment. We appreciate that our staff is our greatest asset. They are the people who will help us continue our well-established business traditions.


    A strong sense of responsibility for our work, which has become our passion, and professional development of our employees, who are our greatest asset: these are the values which we cherish every day. We make sure that each product features reliability and precision – the two principles which are present during the production process.

    Quality and Service

    Nowadays, especially from a business perspective, the values, priorities and reliability of the Company have endured despite the passage of time. This enables us to give our customers a strong sense of security enabling them to feel comfortable working with us. Perfectly executed and timely delivered products continually strengthen our market position and confirm our reliability and professionalism. A well-executed order is a matter of honor to us.

    Future Prospects

    Although in our work we use the experiences gained by former generations, choosing the best of our family heritage, we are strongly focused on the future and practice continual development and the use of modern technology in order to prepare ourselves for new challenges.

  • Our History

    Renox is a family owned business which has been in operation since 1957. Its solid foundations were established when Rene Roszewski opened a workshop after being inspired by his father, Stanislaw.
    Stanisław, who lived abroad for many years, had prepared his son to follow him in the path of entrepreneurship. When he returned to the country, he bought the "Myslęcinek" brewery, which unfortunately was lost during the war.

    It was Stanislaw who instilled the principles of responsibility in his son and shared his experiences which he had gained abroad – there, the approach to work was more advanced in terms of future challenges. Rene started his own business more than 50 years ago, opening a small electromechanical plant at Swarzewska Street. The company manufactured spare parts for motorcycles and small motorbikes with another production line for butcher’s equipment. Rene, strongly believed in family values ​​and passed his experience and knowledge down from generation to generation, asking his son Bogdan to work with him in his company.

    Step by step, beginning as a student, Bogdan learnt the specifics of the company and its operations until becoming co-owner 1983. The father and son brought discipline and reliability to the company, creating the foundations of a stable and unwavering commitment, which makes Renox stand out on the market place to this day. This approach has also been adopted by Bogdan’s son, Krzysztof, who joined the Company in 2006. As a young boy, Krzysztof, following in his grandfather’s footsteps, gained experience abroad in Germany and Denmark, learning from foreign partners who worked with the business. Rene wanted his grandson to learn both German and business from the perspective of foreign companies, as they were often more advanced in their practices in comparison with Polish businesses.

    Apart from his family heritage, Krzysztof also introduced various modern technological solutions into the company and provides the driving force for the future. Today, the father and the son run the company with energy and enthusiasm, whilst actively working for the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship.

    Bogdan and Krzysztof work for the Guild and Examination Committees. In addition, Bogdan is also a member of the Board and Krzysztof is Chairman of the Audit Committee.

    At Renox, the business experiences and values are handed down from father to son in a cherished tradition and in the future, Krzysztof hopes to be able to share the family tradition with his son, Marcel, who was born in 2013.

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